Kenneth Mugabi fills Design Hub with ‘The Ugandan’ album release

Kenneth Mugabi fills Design Hub with ‘The Ugandan’ album release

Fezah has always shown great creativity and skill turning Design Hub from co-working space into a concert venue. With recent modifications to the space, they have taken the venue experience to another level.  

Put Kenneth Mugabi on this great stage and you have got yourself an evening full of new songs, collaborations with various musicians and a packed Design Hub. 

Releasing his new album ‘The Ugandan’, Mugabi climbs the Fezah stage for the third time this year. With his show ‘Kenneth Mugabi Unplugged’ in February, his album press release in June and now this show he is becoming a familiar face to the Fezah & Design Hub audience. He gladly shares his stage with extraordinary musicians he collaborates with like Angella Kalule and Lilian Mbabazi. 

This is definitely not the last we have heard of this Ugandan maestro! 


(Photos by Fezah Entertainment)

