Inclusive Innovation Toolkit Training: Info Session

Inclusive Innovation Toolkit Training: Info Session

Are you ….
– a business advisor and/or professional working in field of social innovation? and/or 
– lacking hands-on materials and practical knowledge to implement the social innovation process steps?

Join the social innovation toolkit training! 
Through a true process of co-creation the Inclusive Business Accelerator ( managed to capture many experiences, insights, methods and tips from practitioners in social innovation worldwide into a state-of-art toolkit alongside an online user environment. 

Certified IBA trainers will facilitate 3-days of interactive training. After this participation in this training, you will:

  • have gained full professional confidence to act as an advisor guiding social innovation processes;
  • become part of a global network of like-minded inclusive business advisors and social enterprises;
  • get the IBA advisor certificate, allowing you to profile yourself as a social/inclusive business advisor and get free access to all state-of-the-arts IBA toolkits and be part of it’s user community. 

The info session will take place on Friday 2nd March from 1pm – 2pm at the large boardroom.

