DIY Build Your Own 3D-Printer

DIY Build Your Own 3D-Printer

Cairo Hackers Space, together with Design Hub Kampala and iZone Hub, embarked on a technological collaboration based on 3d printing technology. The aim was to showcase the potential of DIY manufacturing technology as well as hacker spaces in a way that acts to empower the local marketplaces and local production. 


Components of the course

  • Basic Electronics – Introduction to the theory of electronics with emphasis on software design and physical wiring.
  • 3D Printing 101 – An introduction to the various methods of manufacturing and how they compare with 3D printing.
  • CAD Design 101 – This session looked at the actual software; how it can be used to design objects.
  • 3D Printer Building – The class was taken through the process of building a printer starting with understanding the components and theirs uses.
  • From Idea To Product – The final session was for generating a use case and specific ideas that could be designed and printed.

The 3D printer workshop was undertaken as part of HIVOS Hub Collaboration fund and involved 3 countries and regions in Africa, namely MENA (Egypt), East Africa (Uganda) and Southern Africa (Zimbabwe).

Members of Cairo Hackerspace in Egypt facilitated the workshops and Design Hub Kampala took the administrative lead for the project.

The implementation took place from 18 June – 26th June in Kampala, Uganda and from 29th June – 6th July in Harare Zimbabwe.

