Creative Talks Africa

Creative Talks Africa

During this month’s Creative Talks Africa we talk about the power of words. Traditional poetry as well as modern day spoken word and rap.

Both written and verbal words have always been used in powerful ways and for many purposes. Think of Shakespear’s plays, Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ or Childish Gambino’s ‘This is America’ song.

Traditional forms of communication might be fading and modern forms are becoming more relevant. Artists can use the creative forces of their poetry or song lyrics to change mindsets and trends and behaviour in society.

Our panel discussing the powerful use of words are:
– Dennis Asiimwe – Writer & columnist ‘Musically Speaking’
– Carolyn Acen – Spoken word poet, blogger & writer.
– Lyrical G – First rapper to win a Pearl of Africa award

Friday September 13th | 6pm – 8pm

