Hellen Nabukenya exhibition – Tuwaye

Hellen Nabukenya exhibition – Tuwaye

You are cordially invited to TUWAYE – ‘Let’s Talk’
an exhibition by Nabukenya Hellen

Opening reception: Friday 18th January 2019 5:00pm
Closing Sunday 20th January 2019

Born in 1983 in Jinja, Uganda, Hellen Nabukenya is a multifaceted visual artist whose work is inspired by the fashion world. She currently lives and works in Kampala. She was awarded a degree in textile decoration and styling from Kyambogo University. After her studies, she founded, with three other artists, ArtPunch Studio, an exhibition space and creative centre.

Hellen Nabukenya explores the frontier between art and artisanal crafts. Her works, monumental installations or colourful patchwork pieces with chaotic geometric forms, are made from textiles, recycled objects, acrylic paint and collage. Beyond the aesthetic and formal research that she conducts, Hellen Nabukenya introduces an interactive dimension to her work by encouraging the viewer to take up and debate certain political, economic or social topics, such as the vulnerability of female identity, while participating in the creative process of the work.

The work of Hellen Nabukenya has been shown in several exhibitions in Denmark, France and Uganda, where she participated in Kampala KLA Art, Kampala’s 2018 contemporary art festival, as well as the Africa Arts Kollective.

