Opening Kampala Art Biennale (KAB18)

Opening Kampala Art Biennale (KAB18)

Kampala Art Biennale (KAB18) is a story of transmission from one generation of artists to the next. Unlike the common format of major biennales which historically show and promote the best of their time, as a platform where professionals and the market can come and choose the next big artist, KAB18 is choosing a format vehicles our continent’s original values of sharing and transferring knowledge.

Thus, 2018 will took on a master / apprentice format to allow for the transmission of artistic skill from international contemporary art masters to young artists. This is especially crucial as it evokes the traditional African transfer of knowledge from the experienced to the future generation.

For KAB18, Simon Njami invited 7 internationally renown artists to open their studios in Kampala to young Ugandan, African and international artists.

The opening takes place in an old 7000m2 warehouse at the premises next to Design Hub Kampala.

For more information visit our website:

